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Do You Like Apple? Why You Should Get an Apple Watch in 2020

Do you like Apple products?

If the answer is yes, you’re not alone. It’s estimated that there are 1.4 billion active Apple devices worldwide and that 64 percent of the American population owns at least one Apple product. 

If you’re looking to add another Apple product to your collection, then we suggest making this year the year you buy an Apple watch. Many people think that an Apple watch is a frivolous purchase. After all, what can this watch do that your other devices can’t?

The truth is, the Apple Watch comes with many capabilities and benefits that you can’t yet find with other Apple products. 

Check out this guide to learn why you should get an Apple watch in 2020. 

It Keeps You Healthy

That’s right, by wearing this tiny watch on your wrist every day, you can improve your health. 

Here are some of the ways in which the Apple Watch can keep you healthy:

It Warns You Against Loud Noise 

Due to the fact that hearing loss occurs gradually, most people only seek treatment for it after it’s too late. And if you don’t think hearing loss is going to affect you, think again. 

It’s estimated that by 2050, 1 in every 10 people will have disabling hearing loss. Luckily, the Apple Watch can help you avoid hearing loss with their Noise App. 

This app detects loud noises (anything over 90 decibels) and sends you a notification about the risk of hearing loss. This small reminder can make all the difference when it comes to the health of your ears.

Detects Falls and Calls for Help 

Each year, over 3 million older adults are treated for a fall injury and falls result in about 30,000 deaths per year. 

While there’s a lot that you can do to prevent falls, sometimes, accidents happen and you fall in a dangerous manner. If no one is around you when you fall, the Apple Watch can quite literally save your life. 

This is because the watch detects when you fall and sends you a push notification asking if you’re okay. If you don’t respond or the Apple Watch doesn’t detect any movement, emergency services will be alerted.

Tracks Your Menstrual Cycle 

Even if you’ve been getting your period for years, that monthly flow can still come as a surprise. 

If you have trouble keeping tabs on your menstrual cycle, the Apple Watch is here to save the day. With the new Cycle Tracking feature, you never have to worry about counting down the days until your next period. 

By keeping track of your menstrual cycle, you’ll be able to stay ahead of serious health complications such as infertility, polycystic ovarian syndrome, menopause, and osteoporosis. 

Detects Heart Rhythm 

Many people who have abnormal heart rhythms don’t even know about it. While an abnormal heart rhythm is usually nothing to worry about, it can sometimes signal serious health conditions such as coronary artery disease, cardiomyopathy, high blood pressure, blood clots, stroke, and even heart failure. 

Luckily, keeping track of your heart rhythm is easy with the Apple Watch. The Apple Watch comes with an ECG app that provides you with a 30-second heart rhythm test. 

If you get a notification from your Apple Watch that your heart rhythm is abnormal, you should schedule an appointment with your doctor. 

Detects Heart Rate 

Another major way in which the Apple Watch can improve your health is through its heart rate detection app. 

In order to use this feature of the watch, you first need to enter what would be considered a high and low heart rate for you. If your watch detects that your heart rate is above or below the normal range, it’ll send you a notification. 

Some researchers feel that this feature can result in false alarms. For example, people who are extremely physically fit may have below-normal heart rates. However, something is better than nothing and it never hurts to be extra-cautious. 

Other Health Features 

In addition to all the above, here are some other features of the Apple Watch that can help you lead a healthy lifestyle:

  • Step counter
  • Tracking physical activity levels and patterns
  • Tracking fitness goals
  • Tracking your sleep patterns
  • Tracking how long you’ve been standing

Whether you’re trying to be more active at your office job or you’re training for a marathon, these are some great features.

There’s a Million Ways to Personalize It

Many people worry that buying an Apple Watch means buying a product that isn’t unique. However, there are millions of ways to personalize your Apple Watch. These include:

  • Talking to your car
  • Controlling your home theater/Apple TV
  • Competing against friends and family in fitness challenges
  • Streaming music without your phone
  • Going for a run without your phone
  • Unlocking your Mac
  • Ordering food
  • Sending messages

For those who don’t like to lug their bulky phone with them everywhere, these features are very handy. 

Excellent Time Telling Device

The Apple Watch comes with so many awesome features that some people forget about its most fundamental feature: its ability to tell time. 

The great thing about Apple Watches is that when you want to check the time, you don’t have to scrounge through your bag to find your phone. All you need to do is take a quick look at your wrist. 

In addition to tracking the regular ol’ time, the Apple Watch also tracks your calendar appointments, the phases of the moon, the sunrise and sunset, and the weather. It can also act as a world clock and a stopwatch.

Great for Communication

Last but not least, the Apple Watch is also a great tool for communication. 

If you want to go for a run but don’t want to drag your phone with you in case something comes up, the Apple Watch is the perfect tool to have handy. You can sync the watch with your phone to send you iMessages and other notifications, and you can set it up so you only see a portion of the message. 

This way, if you don’t want to be disturbed, you can check out the summary and then move on with your day until you’re ready to dive into the full message. 

Do You Like Apple Watches?

Now that you’ve read about all the benefits, you should be able to better answer the question, “Do you like Apple Watches?”

If the answer is yes, then it’s time to get out there and buy one for yourself. Be sure to check back in with our blog for more Apple-related news and tips.


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